Dr. Kausch developed a highly successful and popular General Education Course at the University of Rhode Island covering the wide range of fields in modern biotechnology (Issues in Biotechnology 190). This course was designed for a general audience for majors and non-majors without perquisites. The course has been taught in all imageable formats including live to a large audience (300+ students), as a full asynchronous online course and as a MOOC. Enrollment reached over 700+ students per semester in Spring 2017. This course also has involved seven High Schools in Rhode Island for over fifteen years where students receive (3) college credits from URI.
Current Courses Taught at the University of Rhode Island
AFS 190, CMB 190, NRS 190, PLS 190 Section 100200 – Online Issues in Biotechnology. 2005-present. (632 enrolled students Spring 2017; over 550 students Fall 2017).
AFS 190, CMB 190, NRS 190, PLS 190 Section 100001 – On Campus Issues in Biotechnology. 2005-present. (70 enrolled students Spring 2017; 53 enrolled students Fall 2017).
BCH 491/492 Independent Research in Biochemistry (an Experiential Undergraduate Internship and mentoring program as Director of the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory).
Honors Colloquium Course. Origins: Life, the Universe and Everything (Fall 2017).
Additional courses taught at the University of Rhode Island
AFS 190, NRS 190, PLS 190, MIC 190 and BCH 190 Issues in Biotechnology. Fall 2001-2005.
PLS 481/482 Modern Techniques in Genetic Engineering Fall 2002/Spring 2003, Fall 2004/2005.
PLS 492/592 Molecular Analysis of Transgenic Plants. Spring 2000.
PLS 491 Special Topics in Plant Science: Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture. Spring 1999.
PLS 491/591 Gene Transfer to Plants. Fall 1999.
Special Topics in Plant Science: Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture. Spring 1999.
BMMG Plant Transgenics Internships (funded by DeKalb Genetics Corporation). Spring 1997.
BMMG Plant Transgenics (funded by DeKalb Genetics Corporation). Spring 1993-1995.
Curriculum Improvement: New Courses
AFS 190, PLS 190, MIC 190 and BCH 190 Issues in Biotechnology. Fall 1999/ Fall 2000/Spring 2001/ Spring 2003, Fall 2004, Spring 2005, Summer Session 2005, Fall 2005 Development of on-line classes and distance learning. This is now a General Education course at URI.
Modern Techniques in Genetic Engineering PLS 481/482 Fall 2002/Spring 2003, Fall 2004/2005.
URI Internship program on plant biotechnology CMB 491/492, F/S 2001, F/S 2002, F/S 2003, F/S 2004, F/S 2005-present.